Mean girls an American teen comedy film directed by Mark Waters in 2004. In the popular movie Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan plays a confused teenager struggling her way through high school hierarchy. Her character, Cady, is a transfer student that finds herself in a place where everyone is categorized in some kind of group, whether it be jocks, art freaks, or something else. Some of the cliques were seen as more powerful than others, but each had some kind of reputation.
The representation of teenage girls in mean girls affects teenage girls because girls are looking into the media for guidance on what to wear and how to act. When they see the girls behaving the way they do in mean girls there starting to behave the same way.
The differences between reality and representation. For teenage girls to feel pretty and be popular they need to be thin, busty, and wear revealing clothing while gossipping about their friends and others and spend most of there time worrying about boys and parties rather than their school work. This is exactly what mean girls is all about. The movie Mean girls is turning into a reality. The representation of the way the girls speak to each other in mean girls is rude and appalling. They call each other whore's and biaach. This is mainly said by the head Mean Girl Regina George. This dialogue is showing that people can call you all types of names but its normal and you shouldn't be offended its just the way to talk and treat each other. In reality you would have no friends and not be very popular if you called your friends these names. The way these girls are representation is in a very bad way its giving teenage girls unrealistic ideas on how to behave ,act and dress in the company of others. Regina George is the head plastic she is mean, manipulative and nasty, i feel the reason she is like this is because she was brought up a spoilt child, and for most of her life she could of been the only child which is why she was so spoilt because we she her sister which looks to be 10 years younger than her. I feel that Regina is mean because she was brought up spoilt and not taught any better and got whatever she wanted. In mean girls Regina takes her parents for granted she bosses them around for example she makes them swap bedrooms with her because she wanted the bigger room. In reality most parents would be a lot stricter and would tolerate such nonsense from their children. How Regina treats her parents is showing that if you treat them like that there will be no consequences.
The clothes they wear in mean girls is very revealing, short, pink and shows a lot of skin in all places. Above is their Halloween costumes and below is there everyday clothing. As you can see they are all wearing very short skirts, high heels, all have their hair down. This shows that they are all the same they wear the same things and there all doing a 'sexy' pose. This message shown through the way these girls dress is that your only going to be pretty and popular if you dress less.
The film hugely stereotypes teenagers, by using cliques to show the different stereotypes. The film stereotypes pretty people as the 'plastics', the intelligent people as 'nerds', the people that are dress differently and wear dark clothes as the 'art freaks'. The film is a very wrong representation of teenage girls because it shows that you don't fit in if you are not a particular stereotype and that you can not have individuality. The film shows the fight between girls to be noticed, love for the 'jock' and popularity. The film only represents teenage girls in a negative way. The girls in the film all talk behind each others backs, they where unappropriate clothing and are represented as a crazy, uncontrollable and disobedient age group. The film also shows that if you are not like this then you don't fit in and are unwanted.
Gretchen Weiners, one of the girls in the 'Plastics' group says,"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me ... but I can't help it that I'm so popular!"
This is a very wrong representation, just this quote can effect what young girls think of what high school is like. They can think that being envyed, being mean and being fake is going to earn you more friends and get you more attention. Younger girls may get this idea when watching this film as they are still young and do not quite understand the moral of the story but teenagers understand the moral of the story which is that being pretty, popular, skinny and fake is not the person you want to be which can effect them because they may start to worry less about what they look like and being judged and can be more individual. The way in which this film may influence or effect young girls is they see the way the 'Plastics' where pink and this colour relates to them as most young girls love the colour pink. Seeing this colour on the 'Plastics' may make them feel that because they can relate to this colour that this is what they are expected to look like as a teenager.
In conclusion Mean Girls is a reflection of the kind of drama that goes on in real high schools. While high school can be chaotic and dramatic, the movie showed the exaggerated extents of these concepts especially in the typical fields of high school love, popularity, and friendship.
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